Tags take up a ton of space on my blog. So I am going to have really small text on this post. I hope you guys have your zoom button ready.
Anyways. I have received the Sunflower Blogger Award from HyperLinkzer.
Eleven facts about myself.
1. I just got sick this morning! Pity me.
2. I like sticky notes.
3. My breakfast consists of a peanut butter and banana smoothie and Honey Bunches of Oats.
4. My favorite meats are... Beef, chicken, and turkey.
5. My headphones are made by Sony.
6. I built a camera stabilizer a few months ago.
7. I am copying the way HyperLinkzer formats his website.
8. I have a ton of brown shirts. So it looks like I wear the same shirt everyday.
3. I can't count. (jk jk)
10. Board games are awesome. Not games like Candyland. I mean real board games.
11. I like mechanical pencils.
Now.... Zee questions.
1. If you were stuck on a deserted island with only one book, what would it be?
A book on how to get off of deserted islands.
2. Dry humor or that other kind of humor (the name of which escapes me)?
Dry humor. Aheh heh heh.
Dry humor. Aheh heh heh.
3. Ranch on pizza?
*puts that on bucket list*
*puts that on bucket list*
4. What's your take on black and white movies?
5. Name something lying about 5 feet away from you.
...a microphone. Near the other computer.
...a microphone. Near the other computer.
6. To you, what is significant about April 31?
...it's the last day of April, I guess.
...it's the last day of April, I guess.
7. How much water have you consumed in the past five hours?
Not much. I don't feel well, but I'm trying to drink as much as I can...
Not much. I don't feel well, but I'm trying to drink as much as I can...
8. Would you rather climb a pyramid or a sphinx?
9. Ever watched Blimey Cow's videos?
Yes! I luvs dem!
Yes! I luvs dem!
10. How do you feel about wild goose chases?
11. Is the chocolate milk population fluctuating?
Aye, I believe so.
Aye, I believe so.
Oh yeah... I have to tag someone else.
I think everyone's been tagged.
So I'm going to ruin everything by not tagging anyone.
Interesting. *rubs hands together evilly* #6 is a trick question though, there is no April 31. :P