
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Gabe's mini audio drama

Gabe finished putting together a 3 minute audio drama. Here it is.

Audio Tuturial

Hey hey hey! This is for all who are in on the audio drama (which is only like three other people but whatever). Gabe put together a tutorial about how to use the microphones/recording software.

I actually haven't seen the video myself but I think it's good. I hope it's good. If it's not good I'll take this post down.

May the Fourth be with you.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Tags take up a ton of space on my blog. So I am going to have really small text on this post. I hope you guys have your zoom button ready.

Anyways. I have received the Sunflower Blogger Award from HyperLinkzer.

Eleven facts about myself.

1. I just got sick this morning! Pity me.
2. I like sticky notes.
3. My breakfast consists of a peanut butter and banana smoothie and Honey Bunches of Oats.
4. My favorite meats are... Beef, chicken, and turkey.
5. My headphones are made by Sony.
6. I built a camera stabilizer a few months ago.
7. I am copying the way HyperLinkzer formats his website.
8. I have a ton of brown shirts. So it looks like I wear the same shirt everyday. 
3. I can't count. (jk jk)
10. Board games are awesome. Not games like Candyland. I mean real board games.
11. I like mechanical pencils. 

Now.... Zee questions.

1. If you were stuck on a deserted island with only one book, what would it be?

     A book on how to get off of deserted islands.
2. Dry humor or that other kind of humor (the name of which escapes me)?
     Dry humor. Aheh heh heh.
3. Ranch on pizza?
     *puts that on bucket list*
4. What's your take on black and white movies?
5. Name something lying about 5 feet away from you.
     ...a microphone. Near the other computer.
6. To you, what is significant about April 31?'s the last day of April, I guess.
7. How much water have you consumed in the past five hours?
     Not much. I don't feel well, but I'm trying to drink as much as I can...
8. Would you rather climb a pyramid or a sphinx?
9. Ever watched Blimey Cow's videos?
     Yes! I luvs dem!
10. How do you feel about wild goose chases?
11. Is the chocolate milk population fluctuating?
     Aye, I believe so.
Oh yeah... I have to tag someone else. 
I think everyone's been tagged.
So I'm going to ruin everything by not tagging anyone.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Audio Drama - Part 2

Okay, so we are probably doing an audio drama. Warrior or Aror (I will not be posting his real name here just in case he doesn't want me to) is currently scripting a shorter one (Maybe four to five 10 minute episodes). I will reveal what the theme soon.
The other one is still in the works and I am not sure what it will be about yet. I currently creating the characters, and I don't know how long we'll have this one go on for.
Right now, we only have three confirmed voice actors. Warrior of Aror, Gabe, and myself (Two of our friends might be in on it too. Not sure on that yet. It's too early to tell.). It's hard to do a full on audio drama with only three people. We need other minor characters, and possibly some more major characters.
So... Here is the question.
Wouldn't it be awesome to have a bunch of UGers on this?

It won't be super easy, though... Not many of have good microphones lying around. Getting your hands on one isn't super expensive... And they might come in handy for a lot more than just this audio drama. Since Gabe into this sort of thing, we already have all the mics we could possibly need. Warrior or Aror was already planning on getting his own microphone, so that's why it'll work out for him, too.
If you are interested in being a part of this, this is the sort of stuff you would need.

1. A microphone. Well duh. But not the sort of cheap microphone that's on your headphones. One like this.
2. A pop filter. So when you say something that has a 'p' or a 'b', it won't sound explosive or unprofessional. Get one here.
3. Software. You have to record into something. Get this free software here (No, it's not some virus loaded scam. This is the one that Gabe uses.). You might have to watch a few tutorials, but I'm sure it will be worth it.

That's all. The way we would do it is do a voice chat/Skype thing and give you your lines. Then, you record them into Studio 1. After that, you export it and send it to us. We add it to the audio drama. Simple.

If you have money and you really want to do it and you are so excited that you are already buying the stuff, WAAAAIT! We aren't even positive that we're going to do this yet.  Also, we don't even know if the microphone we linked to will be good. We'll let Warrior buy it first and see if it works. :P

- Andy

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Audio Drama

So an overwhelming amount of people are saying that I should do an audio drama. (By that I mean four or so people.)

This is my 'studio'. One of Gabe's microphone and my mac.
Should we do this?

- Andy Miller


It's been awhile. I've been taking a break from most internet, and it's been... Quite nice, surprisingly. I'm sure nobody views this blog anymore, but I like talking to myself. Here are some random things going on.

There was an event a few weeks ago called Reach the Beach. If you look it up, you might even find out where I live. (Oooh, you hear that, stalkers?) Anyways. A bunch of guys (including me) got to set up a giant tent (actually I didn't help set up the tent, that was left to the pros) and 2000+ chairs. The event itself was awesome. The speaker was Josh Mcdowell, a former agnostic who came to know Jesus after being challenged to disprove Christianity. Look him up.

Besides that, I've been learning HTML. It's a most fascinating language. Python has taken a bit of a back seat, but I'm trying to bring it back.

Another thing I would like to say while nobody's listening... Settlers of Catan is one of the awesomest board games in the world. Look that up, too. While you're at it, look up Forbidden Desert, King of Tokyo, and Clue.

My last name is Miller. There you go, stalkers, secret's out.

My brother Gabe is into recording so he has lots of nice microphones. We both want to start an audio drama, but we can't think of anything we would do... (tsks)

My brother is 16 and I am 14. He'll be 17 in August and I'll be 15 in September. I'm not sure why I said that, but nobody's listening anyway, so what the heck.

I really like movies. Here are some of my favorites.
The Dark Knight Rises, Iron Man 3, Star Trek Into Darkness, Pirates of the Caribbean, and my gosh I'm drawing a blank on all the other movies I like.

Also, Gabe has his permit. It's kind of scary.

If you are reading this, please comment something below just so I can feel like I didn't waste my time writing this. You will be my best friend.

Have a nice day and may the Force be with you.

- Andy Miller (that one's for you, stalkers)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Crazy people don't know they are crazy, I know I am crazy so therefore I am not crazy, isn't that crazy.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


I'm going to state a ton of random things because I have nothing better to do with my time.

Settlers of Catan is a really fun board game.

I have a 'That Was Easy' button in front of me.

I really like Batman: The Dark Knight Rises.

Caption Philips is a really good movie.

Acer makes computer monitors.


I don't play much chess.

The sun is in my face.

I closed the blinds because the sun was in my face.

The sun is no longer in my face.

It is about 4:30 and the sun is going down.

I like daylight savings because the sun goes down early.

I prefer a dark room above a light room. I don't know why. Maybe I'm part owl?

Hoot hoot.

I can't turn my head 360 degrees.

Chinese waving cats. Look em up.

I wish I could drive.

I wish I was 16 so I could learn to drive.

I have about two more years to wait until I will be 16.

I used to listen to Christian rap but then I got sick of it so I don't listen to it anymore.



The end.

Thank you for viewing. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sunday, December 29, 2013

A new post??? :O

It's been awhile since I've posted here...
....I have no idea what to post about....
...But for now....
...Here's what a poster for a Mooshcups movie might look like...

- mesa

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pinnacles National Park

I went to Pinnacles National Park yesterday with some of my youth group (Our church has a very small youth group, so there were only nine of us.) It. Was. Awesome.

Here are a few of the pictures I took...

 A cool tree.

Large rock.

Wowzers. That's cool.

A California Condor. The largest bird in North America.

A bit of the trail.

A bit more of the trail.

A really awesome rock.

The sun and clouds.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Sky Riders!

Look at what I just got.

Yesh. The Sky Riders.

I've already read it twice, since I was a proofie, but I'm going to read it again. And now I don't have to read it on a PDF.

It's really really cool. :)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Things to Blog about

I needz things to blog about... Any suggestions? :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

A Tag

I have been tagged by HyperLinkzer.

1. If the main villain of your favorite book/movie/TV series showed up on your front doorstep, what would you do? (Explain who it is first...)

I'm going to go with TV series, and the only TV series I've seen is BBC Sherlock, and the main villain is Moriarty. I liked HyperLinkzer's idea of giving him candy, but I don't have any with me, so I would probably ask what he wanted and shut the door.

2 . Now supposing the heroes opposite this villain showed up just after your exchange. What would you do then?

Oooh. Sherlock showing up at my house? I would let him know that Moriarty was just here and ask him to deduce some things about me.

3. So... moving on, the heroes defeat the villain (with some help from you, of course- whatever it may be. ;) But the next day, you're just walking along, minding your own business, when you suddenly come across the same villain...who is now lying in the dust severely wounded and unconscious. What do you do?

I would wonder what happened.

4. Now his minions show up and kidnap both you and him and take you to their universe (or version of your universe, whatever it happens to be.) Your reaction?

I would wonder what I had done to get myself kidnapped by Moriarty, and hope it wasn't another one of his 'games'.

5. Your fantastic heroes have arrived to rescue you- but now you're faced with a choice. The villain, out of gratitude for your earlier help, (assuming you actually did help him when he was wounded) has offered you a chance to travel back to your own universe. However, the heroes warn you not to trust him. The only other way for you to get back home is to travel with the heroes on a long and dangerous journey... and there's no guarantee that you'll survive. What. Do. You. Do.

Uhh... Going from England doesn't seem that dangerous, and I'm not trusting Moriarty, and I'd like to hang out with Sherlock, so the obvious choice is to go with Mr. Holmes. :P

And I tag.........

Scarlet Raptor and Trista Vaporblade.

My Blog Has Been Changed!

The background, template, layout, title, and text of my blog have all been changed. I looked back at all of my posts about Minecraft and orange juice and other worthless stuff (Okay, I'm joking. Sort of...) and was absolutely disgusted, and I wondered why I would ever even think of writing up such ridiculous posts (Again, I'm kind of joking).

I didn't delete them, I just hid them. So if you really want to see a certain post that I used to have, just ask. :P

Enjoy my changed blog.

Edit: This is future Andy. If you are reading this, I must make sure that you know that Minecraft and all other stupid video games I played was when I was... Like... 12. I was foolish and immature then. Just making sure you know. I'm a normal human now.